Simeon Stafford (b.1956) was born in Dunkinfield but relocated to the Penwith Peninsula, Cornwall in 1996. At the age of fourteen he met L.S. Lowry who encouraged him to paint. Lowry became a close family friend and remains a constant source of inspiration.
Stafford is an observer of life, his paintings are crammed full of incidents and accidents, bustling scenes of human interaction, a happy dialogue of work and play. His subjects include docks and their workers, holiday seaside scenes and streets crammed with children playing. There is a nostalgic echo to these paintings that each and every one of us can identify with, an essence that captures the excitement and expectation, of any old day seen through a child’s eye.
Simeon Stafford is widely regarded as one of the country’s leading living artists and has widely exhibited throughout the country. His work is in numerous private collections including Her Majesty The Queen.